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Loan Fees during disbursement

Note: Loan clients may be required to pay some fees and commissions on loans during the various stages of the loan process from application to disbursement.

This feature allows a user of Loan performer to pay loan fees during disbursement.

When you decide to levy the loan fees during or at disbursement by specifying the amounts under the menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", These fees amount will be reflected in the respective fields during disbursement. Unlike other fees there is no additional feature showing up.

Loan performer disbursement screen by design has fields for entering fees during disbursement and usually comes empty unless specified under menu System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees as seen below:

The disbursement screen will shows up with the loan selected and the amounts specified under menu System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees as shown below:


1. Before a client can pay these fees, you need to set the General Ledger accounts (GLs) where these fees will be booked under the menu System/Configuration/loan product settings/Loan GL accounts settings part 1.
2. In the current state,the fees above can be adjusted by the user at this level. You can however make them compulsory by ticking the check box on the right of the fees under System/Configuration/Loan product setting/fees.


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